Change #95: The Ice Cream Quest Continues

This blog should not be dominated by various ice cream taste testing sessions. And yet, as I type this blog post I feel as if this is the 3rd post related to that very thing. Although perhaps it is my 4th post? 5th? I really don’t know.

I love ice cream. It’s my ultimate consolation prize when I fail at something, my bad day decision, and I’m-so-stressed-out-what-do-I-do-answer? I try not to make it the solution every time and I will substitute in a run here, or a walk there to try to keep the waistline in check. Sometimes a little exercise makes  a difference in how I feel as well.

But I do love ice cream. Now there are seldom ice cream flavours that I hate. I love cherry ice cream, French vanilla (but you already knew that), chocolate, mint, raspberry cheesecake, strawberry, Moose Tracks, chocolate chip cookie dough….the list is endless. Although, one time I had some lemon ice cream that I did not like. But most of the time, I am not disappointed in most flavours that are scooped inside my cone.

Last night we planned to make a gourmet meal at home of roast beef, mashed potatoes, carrots, and fresh peas. (The peas did not come in a can. Fresh peas are a beautiful summer thing that our grocery store offers for a limited time.) When I raced out for the third time yesterday, and my final run to the grocery store, (I always forget some items and have to make multiple trips to prepare for a meal) I asked hubby if he wanted dessert, and he mentioned he would be happy with ice cream.

As I scanned the shelves I nearly purchased my old reliable Klondike bars. Then I turned and saw the Magnum ice cream and close to it was Ben & Jerry’s. Decisions, decisions perplexed me as I stood in the frozen section aisle grabbing at one box of cones, putting it back, and grabbing a container of that ice cream over there.

Something else troubled me. Post-paintball my blog had taken a nearly one month unattended hiatus. With a little more than two months to go I felt the panic as I considered if even making it to 100 changes would be possible.  Finally, there was one more thing that weighed down on my shoulders: I had stopped trying to do new things.

Sure, paintball was epic but it should not be the final thing I ended the blog with two months early.

Then I saw it. Ben & Jerry’s If I Had 1,000,000 Flavours that I never tried before in my life. Something new and different. Would I like it? Would I love it? The girl who will eat various ice cream but somehow turns to vanilla 9 times out of 10, will she like a mouthful of a mixed up symphony of every flavour?


After dinner, and after LBM’s walk, we sat down to watch some television with our dessert. I purchased Magnum chocolate-chocolate ice cream for hubby (he’s been dragged along on various adventures with me, he should have what he likes) and scooped the Ben & Jerry’s 1,000,000 flavours into my bowl.

As I watched TV I took note of crunchy nut, mixed in with some sweet chocolate, with maybe white chocolate?  vanilla, and then with perhaps something that tasted like a bit of brownie. I shovelled one spoonful over another until my bowl was empty, and I scraped at the bowl to get the last amount out.

Did I love it?

Meh. It was ok. I liked all of those flavours and textures separately, and in my bowl it was alright. But sometimes having vanilla, strawberry, or cherry ice cream alone allows you to savour the one flavour.

Sometimes less is more.  


In case your wondering our roast beef dinner, with mashed potatoes, yorkshire pudding (Gordon Ramsay’s recipe), carrots, and peas was AMAZING.

Well worth the time and money spent. Just saying.